It all starts in grade nine. Not for me, for my Mom and Judy. They've been friends ever since. If you were to ask my mom today about their friendship, she'd call it priceless. They have been there for one another through just about everything.
And so, I have known the Duncans all my life. Judy is a kind and giving lady, of her time and abilities. Bruce is just the same. Kind and giving. Their two girls, Krista and Kayla are incredibly successful in school and athletics. All around talented girls. And gorgeous. They have the most beautiful eyes. Oh and kind. It's in their genes.
Our shoot took place in the middle of a snowstorm. A bit dramatic. But it was snowing. A LOT. They never complained and were up for everything.
To the Duncans: thank you for your friendship and thank you for making this shoot so successful. Love you!
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