Tuesday, December 14, 2010


To my delight, I looked out the window about a week ago to discover the first official snow fall of the winter, the kind where the snow actually stays put for a few hours. I've been away the last five years and skipped all but four to five weeks of the dreaded season. I've missed as many first snow falls and being here to watch it happen put a genuine smile on my face. I've been listening to Christmas music for about a month now. I'm not one of those post-Thanksgiving only or Christmas countdown six months before it happens type. I'm somewhere in the middle. This season trumps every other holiday by far. For a few weeks, it seems everyone smiles a bit more. Christmas lights brighten typically dark nights. For those few weeks it's necessary to refer to Hot Chocolate as Hot Cocoa and build at least one snowman. This year, with my niece and nephews around, I'm counting on building a minimum of ten. There'll be sledding. We'll bundle up and laughs will come more freely. I've been giddy over decorating the Christmas tree and wrapping gifts and I've done a terrible job on the lights at Dan and Tara's, but they're up. Every time I look out the window, I'll see the snow sparkle. I'll see family and catch up and promise to get together more often in the New Year with sincere intentions of doing so. My husband and sister will come home from school and we'll all be where we're supposed to be. I'll say hello to strangers and will unashamedly wish them a hearty "Merry Christmas!" We'll sing the same songs in church for a few Sundays in a row and enjoy every minute of it. Christmas is here. The most beautiful time of year. Days we wish would last all year round. We'll be reminded more often of a Savior who left His throne above to come to earth to save sinners. Our hearts will find the time to meditate on the real sacrifice He made and we will feel sheer gratitude for His eternal gift.

I hope you derive the same type of memories that make you feel all warm, fuzzy, and just plain grateful inside.
Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My review.

Mondays are one of my favorite nights of the week. I get to babysit the three kids. Last night my 3 yr old neice, Avery & I enjoyed a "jama show night". We watched "Ramona and Beezus" the movie. After, despite the fact it was way past Avery's bedtime, we had no choice but to dance. Not sure who enjoyed the movie more, me or Avery. It took me back to the days of dress-up, cotton candy ice cream, the Berenstain Bears, late night giggles with my sister, tears over scraped knees, the kisses that followed and cured the hurt instantly, secret handshakes, the days when my worst fear was missing the bus, and travel was cheap because my imagination could take me anywhere.
My favorite line from the movie: "You're your own person. You don't care about colouring inside the lines."
"Those days" might be long gone and responsibility might knock at my door a couple times a day, but what makes childhood so wonderful is the ability to get excited about the small stuff. God gave us His creation. Stunningly beautiful and how often I miss the joy in it. A flock of geese doesn't fly overhead without Avery and Myles noticing, and while they squeal with joy, I fear bird droppings falling on my head. So what's changed? Me. Unfortunately, I've stopped believing in fairy tales, the rain has become more of a nuisance than an opportunity to dance and a yard covered in leaves no longer means a leaf fight, it simply means work. Good news: the choice is mine. Life won't always be giggles and pillow fights, but I am gonna look for the opportunities and make the most of them. What I have might not be a Disney fairy tale, but it's mine and it's beautiful in its own way. Sparkles still make me smile and I can still twirl pretty good. Sure, sometimes my heart, rather than my knees, gets scrapped, but kisses still cure. Love is for real and I've found that. When you can, sing at the top of your lungs, dance without rhythm, close your eyes and imagine, smile for no reason and love with no reserve, because God is good and if you're one of His children, you've got a lot to smile about.
Wishing you sunshine to brighten your day and a yard covered in leaves :)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Miss you!

She happens to be my sister, but I'd like her this much without the sharing of genes.
We were roomates at college for one semester and last school year she lived with Justin and I. During our roomate semester, I liked to stay in my room, organize, read, not study and do crafty things. Actually writing that down makes me realize just how ridiculous a college student I was. Stacey liked to come back to the room just minutes before curfew {we did have a curfew at college, long story}. She was your typical social butterfly. That's what most people saw, admired and sometimes envied. You know those people that have it all? Yup. That's her. Not only is she socially inclined, she's soft-hearted, the type to bring me a cookie when I was having a bad day or buy me a "miss you" card when I was leaving for just 6 days. She's an incredible athlete, currently the assistant captain on the Liberty University team. I'm pretty proud of her. If she's proud of herself, you wouldn't know it. She's managed to stay humble.
Stacey knows what I'm thinking without me saying a word. She finds the same things hilarious. And when I feel like a slushie, she does too. This year, I'm in Canada while she studies in Virginia. 12 hours apart. I miss her all the time, but on certain days, or when certain things happen, I find myself missing her extra. Like last night when I felt like going to Applebees for 33cent boneless wings. Christmas is coming and I cannot wait! She encourages me with words of wisdom I didn't know she had and she makes me laugh at the dumbest things. She's gorgeous, but her physical beauty doesn't compare to her inner beauty. She loves God and she's striving to love Him more. I am so blessed to have such a sister :)
Love you kiddo!

A Great Gift!

Here's a unique gift that will be cherished forever :)
The cost is $115.00 and the certificate is good for any full session whether it be family, portrait, engagement, baby, event, trash-the-dress and anything else you can think of.
With a full session comes a CD of 50 images and all rights are yours, print and post online as much as you'd like with no additional cost.
Email me at samanthaegan9@gmail.com to purchase or for more information.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I approve

Not that it's up to me, but I totally approve of Beth's choice in a man. He's gonna treat her well and she's gonna be happy walking through life along side him.

I grew up with Beth, met her when I was four years old and really got to know her somewhere around age 12. We shared countless memories, secrets and talks. When I needed it, she gave her sound advice laced with wisdom and offered encouraging words. Often she offered laughs. Beth would do anything to make a friend smile. I have seen her grow into an amazing lady. I wished nothing but the best for her in a future mate and on August 13, 2010, I saw her get just what she (and I) were hoping for. Beth married her prince charming, Neal.

The two of them made a beautiful couple, dressed to impress. What made them stunning though, was the look of pure love they shared between one another, there was no denying it, they were absolutely crazy about each other. They'd waited patiently (and sometimes impatiently) for this day to come and it finally had!

I had the pleasure of being the assistant to an extremely talented photographer, Annalecia, {www.annalecia.com} for this wedding. My mission: catch the little moments that often pass by without recognition. Along with the bride and groom, the flowergirls made this an achievable task.

I am so thrilled for Beth & Neal. Their plans for the future include being missionaries to China. The road won't always be easy, but God gave them one another to walk through it together. And there's unspeakable joy knowing you are where you're supposed to be.

Congratulations Beth & Neal!


I've blogged about these guys more than once. My amazing brother, Dan, his amazing wife, Tara and their amazing, almost-angelic children...as close as they come. I might be a bit biased. Finally got them out for a shoot, all five of them :) In three phrases, they are incredibly giving, full of love, and strong in faith...oh and attractive to boot. I look up to them every day and could never quite express how thankful I am God made us family.
Thursday, the day I finally convinced them this would be a great idea, was freezing cold, way overcast and got dark much earlier than I'd hoped. With blankets to bundle up between photos and promises of hot chocolate, we took as many shots as we could, as quick as we could. They were all-stars, I expected nothing less. So glad to have just a few more photos of them all together, there never can be enough.
A shout out...this shoot wouldn't have been what is was without my handy assistant, Michelle, who warmed up my subjects, gave necessary input, fixed Tara's scarf on numerous occasions, bribed with candy and held my bag. What can I say...everyone needs one.

Friday, November 5, 2010

The {S} Family

These guys were great! I loved their natural comfort in front of the camera and the reality that is theirs created some incredible moments. Little Vanessa is a beauty with an incredible smile and her sister, Eva, is following her lead. Dan & Jenny are incredibly fun and sweet people. Every time I see Jenny, she's got a smile and a kind word. Thanks for a great shoot guys! Keep doing what you're doing, cause it's working!