Tuesday, December 14, 2010


To my delight, I looked out the window about a week ago to discover the first official snow fall of the winter, the kind where the snow actually stays put for a few hours. I've been away the last five years and skipped all but four to five weeks of the dreaded season. I've missed as many first snow falls and being here to watch it happen put a genuine smile on my face. I've been listening to Christmas music for about a month now. I'm not one of those post-Thanksgiving only or Christmas countdown six months before it happens type. I'm somewhere in the middle. This season trumps every other holiday by far. For a few weeks, it seems everyone smiles a bit more. Christmas lights brighten typically dark nights. For those few weeks it's necessary to refer to Hot Chocolate as Hot Cocoa and build at least one snowman. This year, with my niece and nephews around, I'm counting on building a minimum of ten. There'll be sledding. We'll bundle up and laughs will come more freely. I've been giddy over decorating the Christmas tree and wrapping gifts and I've done a terrible job on the lights at Dan and Tara's, but they're up. Every time I look out the window, I'll see the snow sparkle. I'll see family and catch up and promise to get together more often in the New Year with sincere intentions of doing so. My husband and sister will come home from school and we'll all be where we're supposed to be. I'll say hello to strangers and will unashamedly wish them a hearty "Merry Christmas!" We'll sing the same songs in church for a few Sundays in a row and enjoy every minute of it. Christmas is here. The most beautiful time of year. Days we wish would last all year round. We'll be reminded more often of a Savior who left His throne above to come to earth to save sinners. Our hearts will find the time to meditate on the real sacrifice He made and we will feel sheer gratitude for His eternal gift.

I hope you derive the same type of memories that make you feel all warm, fuzzy, and just plain grateful inside.
Merry Christmas!

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