Monday, November 8, 2010

Miss you!

She happens to be my sister, but I'd like her this much without the sharing of genes.
We were roomates at college for one semester and last school year she lived with Justin and I. During our roomate semester, I liked to stay in my room, organize, read, not study and do crafty things. Actually writing that down makes me realize just how ridiculous a college student I was. Stacey liked to come back to the room just minutes before curfew {we did have a curfew at college, long story}. She was your typical social butterfly. That's what most people saw, admired and sometimes envied. You know those people that have it all? Yup. That's her. Not only is she socially inclined, she's soft-hearted, the type to bring me a cookie when I was having a bad day or buy me a "miss you" card when I was leaving for just 6 days. She's an incredible athlete, currently the assistant captain on the Liberty University team. I'm pretty proud of her. If she's proud of herself, you wouldn't know it. She's managed to stay humble.
Stacey knows what I'm thinking without me saying a word. She finds the same things hilarious. And when I feel like a slushie, she does too. This year, I'm in Canada while she studies in Virginia. 12 hours apart. I miss her all the time, but on certain days, or when certain things happen, I find myself missing her extra. Like last night when I felt like going to Applebees for 33cent boneless wings. Christmas is coming and I cannot wait! She encourages me with words of wisdom I didn't know she had and she makes me laugh at the dumbest things. She's gorgeous, but her physical beauty doesn't compare to her inner beauty. She loves God and she's striving to love Him more. I am so blessed to have such a sister :)
Love you kiddo!

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