Saturday, November 6, 2010


I've blogged about these guys more than once. My amazing brother, Dan, his amazing wife, Tara and their amazing, almost-angelic close as they come. I might be a bit biased. Finally got them out for a shoot, all five of them :) In three phrases, they are incredibly giving, full of love, and strong in faith...oh and attractive to boot. I look up to them every day and could never quite express how thankful I am God made us family.
Thursday, the day I finally convinced them this would be a great idea, was freezing cold, way overcast and got dark much earlier than I'd hoped. With blankets to bundle up between photos and promises of hot chocolate, we took as many shots as we could, as quick as we could. They were all-stars, I expected nothing less. So glad to have just a few more photos of them all together, there never can be enough.
A shout out...this shoot wouldn't have been what is was without my handy assistant, Michelle, who warmed up my subjects, gave necessary input, fixed Tara's scarf on numerous occasions, bribed with candy and held my bag. What can I say...everyone needs one.

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