Mondays are one of my favorite nights of the week. I get to babysit the three kids. Last night my 3 yr old neice, Avery & I enjoyed a "jama show night". We watched "Ramona and Beezus" the movie. After, despite the fact it was way past Avery's bedtime, we had no choice but to dance. Not sure who enjoyed the movie more, me or Avery. It took me back to the days of dress-up, cotton candy ice cream, the Berenstain Bears, late night giggles with my sister, tears over scraped knees, the kisses that followed and cured the hurt instantly, secret handshakes, the days when my worst fear was missing the bus, and travel was cheap because my imagination could take me anywhere.
My favorite line from the movie: "You're your own person. You don't care about colouring inside the lines."
"Those days" might be long gone and responsibility might knock at my door a couple times a day, but what makes childhood so wonderful is the ability to get excited about the small stuff. God gave us His creation. Stunningly beautiful and how often I miss the joy in it. A flock of geese doesn't fly overhead without Avery and Myles noticing, and while they squeal with joy, I fear bird droppings falling on my head. So what's changed? Me. Unfortunately, I've stopped believing in fairy tales, the rain has become more of a nuisance than an opportunity to dance and a yard covered in leaves no longer means a leaf fight, it simply means work. Good news: the choice is mine. Life won't always be giggles and pillow fights, but I am gonna look for the opportunities and make the most of them. What I have might not be a Disney fairy tale, but it's mine and it's beautiful in its own way. Sparkles still make me smile and I can still twirl pretty good. Sure, sometimes my heart, rather than my knees, gets scrapped, but kisses still cure. Love is for real and I've found that. When you can, sing at the top of your lungs, dance without rhythm, close your eyes and imagine, smile for no reason and love with no reserve, because God is good and if you're one of His children, you've got a lot to smile about.
Wishing you sunshine to brighten your day and a yard covered in leaves :)