Justin left for school in Florida. I am so proud of him my heart feels like it's going to burst. He didn't give up. I would have months ago. Throughout he has told me our future makes the sacrifice worth it.
Soonest I'll see him is three weeks from yesterday. That is three weeks from yesterday
far too long.
So naturally the best thing for me was a distraction. Minutes after he left Avery, my three year old niece, assured me he'd come back soon. Sure enough he did, for one last hug. She was so sensitive to me all day. Checking on me, even including me in her colouring expeditions. Her and I spent the rest of the day playing together. She made me feel like it was going to be okay. Kids find joy in the little stuff. That day, it was caterpillars. I will never look at those creatures the same, Monday, they made me smile
when that's the last thing I wanted to do.
Trust me, I know it could be a million times worse, but this is my "thing" and despite it's impact on other's lives, it touches mine drastically. I am thankful that God cares about our "little" trials and let's us know, He's there. My mom was gracious enough to spend that night and the entire next day with me just being there and keeping my mind focused. My sister skyped
me and messaged me and texted me, covered all her bases. My dad emailed me encouraging words and Dan and Tara talked me through it. My family has always meant the world to me. This summer they have loved me even when I've been unlovable. I've had miserable and ridiculously selfish moments. So this post will hopefully let them know, I've seen it and I appreciate it. I feel blessed largely in part because of your presence in my life. Thanks for putting up with me and still loving
me. You have taught me more about the practical love of God than ever before.
I've received so many emails with verses, "I'm thinking about you" messages, and promises of prayers. And I don't take one of them for granted. I treasure them and I treasure the friendships I share with the messengers.
Here are a few photos from my distraction day.